

Cyberduck 3.2




Mac OS Xで利用できるFTP/SFTPクライアントではトランスミット 3 (Transmit) やFetchが挙げられるが、フリーウェア(ドネーションウェア)での筆頭となるとやはりCyberduck(サイバーダック)。頻繁にFTP/SFTPクライアントを使う人なら製品版を使うだろうが、買うには及ばない程度しか使わない人ならこのアヒル隊長がオススメ。

Cyberduck 3.2での修正・改良点は以下の通り。

3.2 (Build $Revision: 4645 $)
[Feature] Choose Time Zone for bookmark (FTP) [#434]
[Feature] IPv6 Interoperability with support for EPSV and EPRT commands (FTP) [#2539, #2885]
[Feature] UTF8 charset negogiation [draft-ietf-ftpext-utf-8-option-00] (FTP)
[Feature] Support for directory listings using MLSD [RFC 3659] (FTP)
[Feature] Support for Modification Time (MFMT) extension [draft-somers-ftp-mfxx-04] (FTP)
[Feature] Support for hierarchical directory structure (Mosso)
[Feature] Added Espresso to the list of supported editors (http://macrabbit.com/espresso/) [#2823]
[Feature] Display date of transfer [#1462]
[Feature] Display percentage transferred [#2618]
[Feature] Option for big sized icons in bookmark list
[Feature] Drag URL to browser window to open connection [#2326]
[Feature] Display realm of HTTP authentication (WebDAV) [#3083]
[Bugfix] Update passwords in Keychain [#2984]
[Bugfix] Only reauthenticate when needed (Mosso) [#2876]
[Bugfix] Invalid Origin parameter when creating CloudFront distribution (S3) [#3068]
[Bugfix] Improve Interoperability (WebDAV) [#2974, #3076]
[Bugfix] Different recursive permissions for directory and files [#1787]