

iTunes Store、楽曲試聴時間を90秒に


iTunes Storeでの試聴時間延長について各レーベルに案内を送付


Apple increasing US iTunes music previews to 90 seconds

Apple sent emails to music label representatives Tuesday notifying them that iTunes music previews in the United States will be extended from 30 seconds to 90 seconds.

まだ準備段階ではあるものの、AppleはiTunes Storeに楽曲を提供している各音楽レーベルに対して2分30秒を超える楽曲について試聴時間をこれまでの30秒から90秒に延長する旨を伝えているようです(2分30秒未満の楽曲はこれまで通り30秒)が、Storeに反映する時期については特に触れられていません。


iTunes Storeチームからのメール

Dear Label Representative:

We are pleased to let you know that we are preparing to increase the length of music previews from 30 seconds to 90 seconds on the iTunes Store in the United States. We believe that giving potential customers more time to listen to your music will lead to more purchases.

All you have to do is continue making your content available on the iTunes Store, which will confirm your acceptance to the following terms.

You agree that this letter modifies our U.S. Digital Music Download Sales Agreement so that “Clips” for songs longer than 2 minutes and 30 seconds may be up to 90 seconds long (“Clips” for shorter songs will stay at 30 seconds); and you agree to license, or pass through to Apple, gratis mechanical rights for 90-second “Clips” embodying the entirety of compositions owned or controlled, in whole or in part, by you or your affiliates. Further, you represent that you have the authority to enter into this letter agreement for 90-second “Clips”.

Thank you,
The iTunes Store Team

なお、本件については今のところiTunes Store USのみが対象となっている模様。諸外国並びに日本でも同様の変更が行われるかどうかは不明です(日本は…無さそうだなぁ…)。