OS X Lion、Firefox 5 などへの対応など多数の変更が施されたマイナーアップデート
6月20日、Agile Web Solutionsは"1Password 3.6"をリリースしました。本バージョンでは昨日リリースされた Firefox 5 や、来月リリース予定の OS X Lion への対応など 60 項目以上の変更が行われています。
Changes for version 3.6.0 (build #31043) Published 2011-06-20 1Password 3.6 adds support for OS X 10.7 (Lion) and Firefox 5, replacing OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and Firefox 3 support. Users wishing to use Leopard, Firefox 3, Camino 2, or Flock are encouraged to stick with 1Password 3.5.9. This is a free update for all 1Password 3 license holders. Please join us in the forums to provide feedback and report any issues. Full Changelog [New] Added support for Firefox 5. [New] Added initial support for Safari extension in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. [New] Added support for Fluid 1.0 apps. [Changed] Changed About screen and support information to use new company name - AgileBits. [Changed] Now supporting new configuration used by Dropbox 1.2.4. [Changed] Removed unused code and resources. 1Password.app is now much smaller compared to the previous release. [Changed] Improved Diagnostics Report to include Chrome extension information and information about the new Safari extension on Lion. [Changed] Improved translations. [Changed] Improved automated backups to better detect problems with the backup folder. [Changed] Changed unlock screen to no longer try a different master password case. This used to help when the Caps Lock key was pressed but created confusion when users tried to type password in the same way in 1PasswordAnywhere and in 1Password for Windows/iOS/Android. [Changed] Added ability to directly copy an item's password or UUID as Option and Shift alternates to Edit > Copy. [Changed] Updated Security > Preferences to make it clear that the inactivity autolock setting is based on computer inactivity. [Changed] Improved 1PasswordAnywhere to display a special message when open in Dropbox app for iOS and Android. [Changed] Improved automatic updates. [Changed] Improved password strength indicator to show passwords shorter than 9 characters as Weak. [Changed] Now using Amazon CloudFront as the alternate download location. [Changed] Improved reliability and error reporting in automated backups. [Changed] Backups now ignore temporary files such as .DS_Store. [Changed] Improved error and exception logging during backups. [Changed] Updated German translation. [Changed] Improved 1Password scroll views in Mac OS X 10.7. [Changed] Improved security when running privileged scripts. [Changed] Internal code and resource improvements to take advantage of features available in Mac OS X 10.6 APIs. [Changed] Reduced logging and no longer reporting some expected situations as errors. [Changed] Improved exception logging to include the stack trace. [Changed] Changed backup file extension to .agilekeychain_zip. This will make it less likely to be unarchived by mistake. [Changed] Improved search and smart folders to allow searching items by folder. You can also use this feature to search for items that do not belong to any folder. [Changed] Removed Camino extension. [Changed] Backup now uses .zip archives. Restore from .agilekeychain_backup and .agilekeychain_zip files are both supported. [Changed] Automatically installing Firefox 5 extension if legacy Firefox extension is found. [Changed] Updated all resources to be compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 and up. [Changed] Improved help links in the application. [Changed] Improved installation of Firefox extension for custom configurations. [Fixed] Fixed problem with Japanese text input in fields. [Fixed] Fixed diagnostics report where a problem was inadvertently given for the versioned extensions files. [Fixed] Fixed problem where localized files were missing. [Fixed] Diagnostic Report will now work correctly for those users using Ruby 1.9.x. [Fixed] Now delaying quitting of 1Password if busy updating the 1PasswordAgent. [Fixed] Made sure the 1Password license is automatically loaded from data file on the very first launch on a new Mac. [Fixed] Fixed problem where File > Print All menu was disabled. [Fixed] Fixed a problem with automated backups when the data file location included symlinks. [Fixed] Fixed problem with missing localizations in the browser extension. [Fixed] Fixed problem where replacing a login during save or autosave from the browser would lose item attachments. [Fixed] Fixed crasher cancelling text export. [Fixed] Fixed typo in export dialog title. [Fixed] Now hiding unsupported extensions in Mac OS X Lion. [Fixed] Made sure that only one 1Password Preferences window can be shown at a time. [Fixed] Fixed exception thrown in Lion using hover-copy during app switching. [Fixed] Fixed misalignment of note fields in edit views. [Fixed] Fixed crash when running Firefox in 32-bit mode. [Fixed] Fixed crash in Safari/Lion when using a keyboard shortcut after closing a tab. [Fixed] Fixed problem that could lock 1Password application when it is trying to update the Firefox extension. [Fixed] Fixed misleading "File added successfully" dialog displayed even when attachment was not added. [Fixed] Attempt to fix an exception in main window reported by several users. [Fixed] Fixed occasional crasher affecting Mac OS X 10.7 Lion users. [Fixed] Chrome extension now locks when the main 1Password application is locked. [Fixed] Automatic unlock now works for the 1Password Chrome extension running in Chromium. [Fixed] Fixed rare crash that could happen when a certain data item is selected in 1Password. [Fixed] Fixed problem where unlock window will appear for a short period of time when adding new items. [Fixed] Fixed crash in Go & Fill Login > Search window in the browser extensions. [Fixed] Fixed problem with voiceover being disabled for some setup dialogs. [Fixed] Fixed problem where it was possible open multiple Go-and-Login windows in Safari. [Fixed] Fixed misleading error when "Remove all extensions" is clicked twice. [Fixed] Account items can now be searched by username.
1Password は日本語の表示にも標準で対応しています。
日本語によるサポートを希望される方は日本の代理店(act2.com)で、サポートは英語でも構わない或はサポートは必要としないと割り切られる方は AgileBits から直接購入したほうがかなりお得です。
アップデートは 1Password のアプリケーションメニューから実行できます。