

1Password 2.11.0


Password管理の定番「Password 2.11.0」リリース


現行バージョンの不具合修正ならびに機能を追加したv2.11.0がリリースされました。アップデートの実行は1Passwordを起動して"Check for Updates..."を実行して下さい。


Changes for version 2.11.0 (build #7643)
Published Sep 21, 2009

This is a maintenance release with several changes and improvements.
In case you missed the recent update message, a new Upgrade to Agile Keychain window will open on first launch for those still using the OS X Keychain. It is recommended that you proceed with the upgrade to the new Agile Keychain if you are prompted. The Agile Keychain is required by 1Password 3 to support the new features and it is important that this upgrade happen before downloading 1Password 3 or you will experience issues with OS X Keychain permissions. For details, please see Automatically Upgrading Your Keychain.
This update is recommended for all users and is free for all paid license holders.

Full Changelog
	1.	NEW Improved Fill Credit Card and Fill Identity form fillers to support RFC 4112.
	2.	CHANGED Improved OS X to Agile keychain conversion process to work better on Snow Leopard.
	3.	CHANGED Improved diagnostics report to include more information about the 1PasswordAgent plus a Summary section.
	4.	CHANGED Improved the diagnostics script to gracefully report any exceptions that may occur.
	5.	CHANGED Making backup preferences more robust by disallowing removable or unwritable locations for automated backups. Also, it is no longer possible to choose a folder inside the current .agilekeychain for the backups.
	6.	CHANGED Improved instructions on the Agile Keychain Migration screen to explain that if you are prompted by the OS X Keychain Service during the migration, click Allow.
	7.	FIXED Fixed problem where Wi-Fi sync authorization would fail if 1Password trial had expired.
	8.	FIXED Fixed an issue on PPC machines that would prevent the 1PasswordAgent from launching.
	9.	FIXED Fixed a rare crash that could happen on unlock.


1Passwordのversion 2.xはMac OS X 10.5 Leopard以下、ならびにMac OS X 10.Snow Leopardの32 bitモードで利用可能です。Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopardの64 bitモードで1Passwordを使う場合はversion 3.xにアップグレード (有償) するか、ブラウザを32 bitモードで動作するように設定してご利用ください。

Camino 1.6.9で1Passwordを使おうとすると「対応していない」旨を通知する表示が出ますがとりあえず問題なく動作しているようです。なお、Camino 2.0βでも同様の表示が出ますがこちらはまだ利用出来ません。